About Us

Candice, Owner & CEO

Hey everyone! I'm Candice the owner and CEO of Top Tier! I'm super excited to share with you my vision for the fashion industry. I'm a nurse and educator by day but a Fashion Enthusiast all day everyday!  I'm not new to this fashion thing. As a little girl growing up my mom kept me dressed to the nine, styling me in the latest 80's and 90's fashion trends. I can vividly remember going to stores such as Winkelmans, Gantos, and Jacobsons with my grandmother, mom, and aunts. Their keen eye for style was so intriguing! Watching these "Top Tier Women" slay fashion styles back then, and continuously over the years birth in me a love and passion for the industry!

Fast forward to now, I've realized the importance of pursuing purpose, passion, and fulfillment. Throughout all of my healthcare victories, the desire to be a successful boutique owner and fashion stylist continued to pull heavily on my heart strings. So here we are! The time is now! I'm ready to leave my foot print; a lasting impression. Next Level Fashion has finally arrived! I personally welcome you to Top Tier!

Why Top Tier?

For me, fashion is more than getting dressed. I believe it is reflective of your personality, character, and even your mood. As a woman of excellence, high standard, and class, I wanted to create a brand that was not only reflective of my personality, but one that other women with similar characteristics could identify with as well; A brand that was unique and edgy, yet luxe and premier. Trust me, Top Tier is just that!  

Who Is The Top Tier Women?

 The Top Tier Woman is cognizant of her worth and adds value. She is ambitious, smart, and possesses strength and humility. She understands she is fearfully and wonderfully made, and seeks couture that compliments her physique. When the Top Tier arrives dressed, she commands the room! When she exits, her presence continues to reverberate as her fashion sense and style is one that is next level! So who is the Top Tier Woman?... The Top Tier Woman is you!